Saturday, 21 February 2009

Sushi-Maki had slaved


Haha! okay, I went to the Sushi Tei ' Sushi-Maki Buffet ' last last last week ago. I know it was late to post this up but yeah, right now I'm quite bored and got nothing to do wah.. and I actually forgot what is the date I went there, but yeah , it was nice and fantastic weh !! We ate more than 50plates like that loh. Ummm, The buffet is just only sushi and the sushi will be in the ' Sushi Train ' nia loh. See what, take it and eat it loh. So we just took the Sushi in the train loh , and I liked the Unagi Sushi ler..

So here are some of the pic I got from that day ,

With Jestina JieJie , Known her since I was primary 6 .

With Chee Hwa Koko , and my Big Brother(wearing NERD specs one)

And again ,

With my Big brother, the background was the toilet entrance tuu.

Lastly !

The Suhsi-Maki buffet had slaved by US down here ,

So far so good ! I gave 7/10 points for that buffet . Wuhoo~

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